Sunday, November 11, 2007


Semua orang tidak ingin nafas berbau. Apa tidaknya, nafas berbau boleh menimbulkan kesan negatif terhadap penampilan diri dan menjejaskan imej seseorang. Antaranya ialah orang lain akan menjauhkan diri daripada mereka yang mengalami masalah bau nafas terutamanya ketika berbual.

Oleh itu tidak hairanlah ramai di kalangan masyarakat kita yang mengamalkan pelbagai petua sama ada secara tradisi atau pun moden untuk menyegarkan nafas.

Namun begitu, terdapat sejenis tumbuhan herba tempatan yang boleh digunakan untuk menyegarkan nafas. Tumbuhan tersebut dikenali sebagai beluntas atau nama saintifiknya Plucheaindica. Tumbuhan renek dari keluarga compositae ini sering ditemui tumbuh liar terutamanya di kawasan pantai.

Daun pokok beluntas boleh dimakan secara mentah sebagai ulam. Rasanya agak kelat dan berangin boleh menyegarkan nafas. Pada masa yang sama ianya boleh menghilangkan bau badan dan melegakan tekak.

Selain itu, daun pokok beluntas juga boleh digunakan untuk merawat demam dan mengubati luka, ulser dan kudis.

Untuk melegakan demam, daun pokok beluntas yang telah dikeringkan direndam dalam air suam dan diminum. Manakala untuk mengubati ulser, luka dan kudis, ambil beberapa helai daun pokok beluntas, tumbuk sehingga lumat dan ditampalkan di tempat yang sakit.

Sumber : Mingguan Malaysia 20.8.2000

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Grow Herbs in your Garden for Pleasure and Profit

Herbs can add a touch of magic to your garden with their supernatural associations and practical uses.

Records show that herbs were in use in ancient Greece where they were valued as flavorings and for their fragrance. Certain herbs were also credited with mystical properties. Herbs were introduced into Britain by the Romans who also valued the reputedly supernatural powers of the plants, as well as their culinary and medicinal uses. In Britain, too, herbs became a focus of superstition, reaching their peak of importance in the Middle Ages when every village had its witch, and every witch her herbs and potions. Herbs were also used to combat the witches' powers; garlic, hyssop and wormwood all combated witchcraft and evil spirits.

The medicinal qualities of herbs were even more important. In 1597 John Gerard, the London herbalist and apothecary, published his "Herball", a volume containing 1000 pages with woodcut illustrations of some 3000 plants. A rather smaller collection of some 400 plants was included in Nicholas Culpeper's Complete Herbal first published in c1640 and still available from bookshops today.

For most of us today the main use for herbs will be as flavorings in cooking. A few plants within easy reach of your backdoor so that they are handy for the cook will be well worth the effort. You can even grow a small selection in a container on a sunny windowsill.

Generally herbs thrive on a light and well drained soil. Although herbs can be planted in borders throughout your garden, it is more usual to group them in one place. Many formal planting schemes have been devised ranging from a chequerboard design of alternating square slabs and plants to using an old wagon wheel with plants in between the spokes.
Hugh Harris-Evans is the owner of The Garden Supplies Advisor where you will find further articles, gardening tips and product reviews.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Why Use Herbs in Your Cooking?

Plants have been used in cooking for years now, though many people are still unsure of how to use them correctly. For some they simply experiment until they find the perfect combination, but for others they just do not seem to be able to get the hang of it. Different herbs go with different foods and it is important to know all about the different herbs before you actually use them in your cooking.

How Herbs Have Been Used Over the Years
Herbs have a number of uses and they have been used for literally hundreds of years. The Chinese mainly discovered them and they were used for both cooking and healing purposes. However there is no evidence as to when the Chinese actually started using herbs in their cooking.

The Egyptians were also thought to have used herb plants in their cooking well before the pyramids were even built. Herbs are as popular as ever today and people tend to experiment more and more with their cooking by adding herbs to their food in order to give it extra flavour. If you eat out at restaurants then there is a big chance that the chefs there may have used herbs in their cooking.

The good thing about using herbs is that it is easy to add them to most foods, so you do not have to be a chef in order to experiment with them. If you want to use herbs in your cooking for the first time it may not work out to plan, but the best thing to do is to keep experimenting. Sometimes you may get some great results and other times you may not do as well, so you just need to persevere. Just remember not to overdo it with herbs, because by using too much it can often make the taste of the food a little overpowering. Also, another tip is to try to use fresh herbs instead of dried herbs as you will be able to tell the difference when it comes to tasting them.

Overall, herbs in our food have been used for thousands of years, although the exact dates it started are not overly clear. By adding herbs it can really add extra flavour to our food and it is also good for you at the same time; so it is definitely worth trying them out. Experiment with the different types of herbs and try them out on different foods in order to see if you can create something that is really tasty and that you will enjoy.

Andrew Caxton is an online entrepreneur and writes for . A website with tips on lawn mower blade, amongst many related topics.

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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

SENNA MEKAH - Cassia angustifolia

Senna mekah adalah sejenis tanaman semusim yang renek berasal dari negeri Yemen di selatan Arab. Kini ia ditanam secara komersial di India, Pakistan dan China. Ia sesuai ditanam di tanah lom berpasir dan aluvium berlom. Tanaman ini mempunyai batang berkayu lurus, bercabang dan berwarna hijau pucat. Ketinggiannya boleh mencapai 60- 100 cm. Daunnya berpasangan dan setiap tangkai mempunyai beberapa pasang daun. Kudup sena mekah akan keluar setelah 40 hari penanaman dan berkembang sepenuhnya selepas 65 hari. Bunganya berwarna kuning serta buahnya berbentuk pipih dan lembut. Buahnya ini berwarna perang kehijauan ketika muda dan perang gelap setelah matang.

Herba ini berupaya merawat pelbagai penyakit seperti penyakit kulit, sembelit, cacing, anemia, deman panas, taun, bronkitis, batuk, gout, reumatisme dan penyakit kuning, Kini ia dipercayai dapat merawat jerawat dan kurap serta menghilangkan sembelit.

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Using Chinese Herbs For Health

The history of Chinese herbs used for medicinal purposes dates back to sometime between 800 and 200 BC with the publication of Huang Di Nei Jing - The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. At this time, a combination of 28 separate Chinese herbs had been discovered to have great healing power and the combination of many of these are still in existence today.

By around 500 AD, Chinese herbs had been sorted into a classification system that helped guide their use depending on the particular situation. Superior herbs were used to help sustain health – much as we use herbal and vitamin supplements today; middle herbs were used to treat illness; and inferior herbs were used to cure disease. Chinese herbs have been credited with successfully treating everything from acne to infertility.

In today’s world, where traditional medicine tends to focus on the methods employed in Western medicine, much of the uses of Chinese herbs are largely passed over. But for those who look towards non-traditional medicine as a means of recovering health or even as a supplement to traditional medical care, they will find the benefits of Chinese herbs to be rooted in ancient knowledge and a history of success.

Chinese herbs can be found in a variety of places including medical offices following the Eastern practice of medicine, Asian markets, and even online. But the use of Chinese herbs, while most often safe, should be used under the guidance of a medical professional and after extensive research has been performed.

If there is an interest in using Chinese herbs to help supplement health or treat an existing condition, it is best to research those herbs that have shown success in these particular instances. Seek out a medical professional or someone well-versed in the use of Chinese herbs to determine the best way to proceed.

When Chinese herbs are used in conjunction with education, preparedness, and medical supervision, they can be a fantastic tool to achieving overall, natural health.

For easy to understand, in depth information about herbs visit our ezGuide 2 Herbs.
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Saturday, November 3, 2007

Misai Kucing

Misai kucing atau dikenali Orthosiphon Stamineus merupakan tumbuhan tropika tumbuh di kebanyakan negara-negara di Asia Tenggara. Ia mudah dijumpai di kawasan-kawasan tanah tinggi atau rendah dan di tanah-tanah terbiar.

Pokok misai kucing sering dijadikan sebagai pokok hiasan dihalaman rumah kerana ia menghasilkan bunga yang cantik dan menarik. Bunganya kebiasaannya kelihatan berwarna putih atau ungu dan mempunyai filamen yang menyerupai seperti misai kucing.

Di bahagian batangnya terdapat bulu-bulu pendek yang berwarna kemerah-merahan, ia tumbuh dengan menegak serta bercabang-cabang. ketinggian pokok ini boleh mencecah sehingga 1.5 m.
Herba ini telah digunakan sejak ribuan tahun dahulu di Malaysia dan Indonesia. Orang-orang barat mengenalinya sebagai Java tea. Ia digunakan untuk sakit-sakit sendi, kencing manis, tekanan darah tinggi dan juga untuk membersihkan sistem dalaman kita.

- rujukan dari koleksi herba MARDI

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Tips Taman Herba

Kebiasaannya, taman herba diwujudkan berasaskan konsep tema sebagai kulinari atau perubatan. Walaupun ia mempunyai kurang nilai estetik dengan kombinasi yang betul, anda boleh mewujudkan suasana landskap herba yang dramatik.

Berikut adalah antara tips yang berguna bagi anda:

Tip 1: Kaji sifat-sifat fizikal setiap herba secara individual dari aspek pembungaan, warna, tinggi, tekstur, corak pertumbuhan. Sebagai contoh, salah satu jenis daun selasih yang mempunyai warna ungu terang serta mengeluarkan aroma yang segar.

Tip 2: Wujudkan kombinasi yang efektif. Sebagai contoh, menanam tumbuhan herba yang berbeza dari segi warna secara berhampiran untuk mewujudkan warna yang harmoni.

Tip 3: Pilih warna tema (biru dan ungu, hijau dan kuning, merah dan jingga, warna lembut dan sebagainya). Cuba elakkan penggunaan lebih daripada tiga warna yang berbeza di kawasan taman anda. Terlalu banyak warna akan mewujudkan suasana taman yang serabut.

Tip 4: Bina kesinambungan dengan mengenal pasti tempat yang sesuai untuk menanam setiap herba yang berbeza. Tanam mengikut ketinggian di mana pokok rendah di hadapan manakala pokok tinggi diletakkan di belakang.

Tip 5: Susun secara berkelompok. Tumbuhan herba nampak lebih dramatik dengan kesan visual yang lebih menarik jika ditanam secara berkelompok berbanding dengan sebaliknya.

Tip 6: Wujudkan aroma dan bauan yang wangi dan menyegarkan dengan menempatkan secara strategik di kawasan taman tersebut. Letakkan tumbuhan herba yang mempunyai bau yang wangi berhampiran jalan atau depan rumah di mana bauan yang wangi itu dapat dihidu apabila kawasan tersebut dilalui.

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